Holding Your Hand While You Grieve the Loss of a Loved One

It is never easy to say good-bye to a beloved family pet. While sometimes nature simply takes it course, there are other times when a pet is suffering from illness or old age and as owners we look for ways to lessen their pain, or ultimately let them go. Dr Weiss is always here to assist you during this difficult time, providing information on how to make your pet more comfortable and what options you have in order to preserve your pets dignity during their last days. When you decide it's time to let you pet go, Dr Weiss can offer his services here at the clinic, or he can come to your home and allow you to be with your pet in a familiar environment. We also offer options for keep-sake boxes with ashes for those who want a memorial once their pet has passed.
Bradley Hills Animal Hospital is here to provide any support and comfort we can during this difficult time. Grieving is a normal process for everyone to go through after losing a loved one. Each of us handles grief in our own way, and we are pleased to provide some helpful resources that may assist you in the grieving process.
Pet Loss Library This great resource provides a wealth of information on pet loss. From articles written by professional grief counselors, to personal stories of pet owners like yourself.