Mon–Thurs: 9:00 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday: 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Call for an Appointment: 301-365-5448

7210 Bradley Blvd., Bethesda, MD 20817
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Pet Loss Library

Our Pet Loss Library features articles written by grief professionals that will address many of the questions you may have when dealing with the loss of a pet. It also contains articles and stories from others who have experienced a similar loss.

Pet Loss Articles


Memorializing Your Companion at Home

Surviving the Hollow Days

When an Animal Loved One Dies

Stories About Pet Loss

Frannie and Frieda

I Miss My Baby

Love of My Life

Ms. Lonelies No More!

My Angel Dog, "Whimpie"

My Horrible Day

My Love for Lizzie

My Sign From Beyond


The Day I Lost a Good Friend


Featured Story

My Love for Lizzie

My cat Lizzie was a truly unique cat. She acted like a dog, in that she ran to you if you called, she followed you or strangers down the sidewalk, visited the neighbors, she followed commands, and jumped from the ground into my arms.

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Dr. Charles Weiss, the wonderful angel we now call the very special specialist. With one phone call to his office, we knew that he was different from the other doctors Fuzzy-Ru had seen. With renewed hope, we threw our bags in the car and drove all the way from New Hampshire to Maryland. Thanks to the skill of Dr. Weiss and his staff, Fuzzy-Ru is now on his way to a full recovery. - Tricia and Francois